
Monday, October 08, 2012

a little bit about me...

For awhile now I have been on the other end of the spectrum, viewing and enjoying blogs written by others...home decor and style blogs by seasoned professionals who have brought insight and inspiration into my home everyday.  And for awhile now I have contemplated starting a blog of my own.  I am in no way a professional decorator/designer but always find my friends asking me for advice in decorating their, I decided to take the plunge and start a blog of my own.

I am not a newcomer to blogging, per se, but the kind of blog I'm used to writing is on see I am a cancer survivor - a stem cell transplant survivor - a medical miracle really or a science project of sorts.  You see, I had leukemia.  Diagnosed in November of 2009, I had my transplant in January of 2011.  As if that didn't make me enough of a science project, I didn't have a fully matched donor.  My sister was only a half-match and I had no matches on the bone marrow registry either.  Many people have died in this scenario, but my transplant Dr. was given the opportunity to participate in a trial protocol using my sister's half-matched cells...with no other choice out there, I proceeded with the trial.  And almost 2 years later, I am doing very well and moving on with my life.

For 2 years I have had to get my decorating fix by reading and following decorating blogs and while that got me through, I am now at a point in my recovery where we can renovate and rejuvenate our own home...The Creative Me can finally come back out to play - I have 2 years of ideas rolling around in my head - and my hubby (My McGyver - or - McG) is always up to help getting my ideas done...I am not the muscle behind the renovations, in fact, I am the brains and he is the brawn.

I hope you enjoy and follow along, offer suggestions and ask questions...I think this could be the next part of my journey and I would love for you to follow along!



  1. Omg Cheryl! Congrats on 2 yrs!! I know how grateful you must be feeling. My family knows cancer very well. My nephew has testicular cancer. Had stem cell transplant in 2009 and relapsed 9 months later. He had surgery went in remission for 18 months and relapsed again. We r currently waiting on a clinical trial. He is a miracle as the dr said he would not live this long, he also has a miracle baby boy. We believe in miracles and that's the only thing left for Brandon. Good luck to you and your blog! You are doing a great job! You will do great! Wanda. Recreate anddecorate

    1. Wanda...thank you for the lovely comments - and I am so sorry to hear about your nephew - it is really so sad that every family out there probably has at least one family member afflicted with some sort of cancer...I truly am blessed to be here today. I am hoping you will become a follower here, I would love your input - you are such a great blogger!



Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog...please feel free to leave a comment or ask questions...and if you like this post - PLEASE SHARE!!!