
Friday, October 26, 2012

Flooring Update!

Well, lots of work has been going on around here this much so, that I thought I should jump in today with a quick update...

Earlier this week the room looked like this...

Now McG has a day job and he works very hard, most days from 5 am to 5 pm...and then he comes home and keeps on working until its time for bed!  He's a hard-working man and I love and appreciate him for all that he does...We've worked on the floor every night this week, with the exception of last night, 'cause it was our 26th anniversary yesterday and we enjoyed a lovely dinner out, and then a bit of shopping for some castors for another project!! Hopefully, I will be able to share that one soon!...Anyway, I snapped some pictures of the floor this morning so you could see the progress...It's dark and rainy here so I hope they show the true beauty of the floor...

You can see that we are working in not the best light...My job was to make sure we were mixing up the pattern and laying out each row..McG was cutting and fitting the pieces was a bit difficult but we've managed to get most of the living room and dining room done over the last few nights...

We've just got the hallway left to do this's a sneak peek of the room with some of the furniture moved back in...REMEMBER - this is NOT the finished room...there's a lot left to do!

And look, there's Sloan curled up on the trunk in the front window..eyes glowing at me!  This is what we've been working on this week...what have you been up to???  Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!



  1. Looking Good Cheryl! Can't wait to see them finished!

    1. Thanks Wanda! We're still plugging away at it - I'll be sure and post when they are done!

  2. They are really beautiful! I love the color you chose - it makes the space feel so warm. Also couldn't help but notice those great windows and your view of the pretty trees. Nice!

    1. Thanks Amy - glad you stopped by to visit! The floors were a big project to tackle by they turned out great, we finished them up over the weekend...the big pine you see from the pictures is actually across the street in the neighbours yard...we have a big maple tree that usually blocks the view, but all the leaves have fallen off of it already :(


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