
Monday, October 15, 2012

The Wall is up!!

I know I shouldn't be so excited, but I am...

You see our entryway used to look like this...with its orangey trim and railings....and our living room couch lived with its back up against this ugly railing for 16 years...really it was meant to be a wall from the beginning, but the builder messed up and installed the railing instead...and for 16 years I have been trying to hide it behind the really made it hard to decorate the living room but we lived with it - UNTIL NOW...I have finally talked McG into getting rid of it and installing the wall that the builder should have oh so long ago!!

So down came the railing..and quite easily I might add...

Up went the framing and the hardboard and in less than an hour, McG had the new wall in place! WOO HOO!

He made the framing from two by six lumber and screwed it down well to the adjacent wall and floorboards.
We had purchased these MDF panels a few months back at our local RONA store.  They were on clearing for $7.49 for a 4 x 8 sheet with the design carved out on one side...three panels were enough to cover the whole wall.  We faced the carved side out in the living room, but on the side facing the entryway we chose to have the plain side facing out as I am going to wallpaper the whole wall on that side.  I primed the wall with 2 coats of primer.

The entryway now looks like this...since this picture was taken, I have also painted out the baseboards and started on the remaining handrail.  I must say that I am loving the painted trim.  It makes the whole house look lighter and brighter!!

My last post talked about my inspiration for the kitchen...NOW FOR A SNEAK PEEK OF HOW IT TURNED OUT....

This picture is taken from the view of the dining room through the pass-thru to the kitchen - a full kitchen reveal will be coming soon!!  IT'S EXCITING TIMES HERE AND I AM LOVING IT!



  1. It's weird seeing my house on the internet lol. And everytime I come to read a post you have changed your blog design lol.
    I really like the teal though. Everyday I walk out of my room and I'm like "woah! i forgot she painted" lol

  2. hello there daughter...sorry for the blog changes - just haven't found one I'm loving yet...glad you like the teal colour - I'm loving it! xo


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