
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Styles of Christmas

What is your decorating style at Christmas? Do you go with the traditional red and green, or something more contemporary like black and silver?  Or maybe you like a more neutral decor using items found in nature like pine cones and shells?

 This is my tree from last year...

And there is Sloan, hiding amongst the gifts!  Silly kitty!

It's hard to tell from this picture, but our tree was red and lime green had lots of glittery feather-like picks, as well as red, green and gold ornaments - our walls then were a pear-green colour so the theme seemed to fit...

This year our living room and dining room area are painted a soft grey-blue called Canadian Sky by CIL paints and the kitchen is a teal colour called Smoked Turquoise.  I am dreaming of a new "slimmer" tree this year and have been on the lookout for the perfect tree - something smaller perhaps - in a pot that would sit atop a table and not take up so much floor space...because this year we have our new dining room furniture in the area that the tree was in last year...and our kids are older now (22 and 18) and they don't get excited to decorate with me anymore (insert sad face) - in fact its a job that I do pretty much alone anymore, except if there's something I can't reach and then McG jumps in to save the day! (He's really good that way!)

I have found a few different inspirations for this year's tree...


Isn't this one so serene - I really love the quiet colour palette.  This neutral tree might be a good option.

This blue one is lovely, however, I'm not sure adding another blue to the mix would work - I might like it better with some lime green mixed in or maybe if the blue were aqua instead.

This one has the lime green I crave, but with more neutral ornaments. And I love the starfish!

Or what about something totally different and unexpected!

What's your Christmas decorating you match your tree to your decor, or go with something totally different that stands out and makes a statement?  And where do you place your tree - in the living room, or family room? I usually do one large tree and one smaller one in the basement family room.  I'd love to hear how you are decorating this holiday season!

Happy decorating!  (oh, and you can check these trees again at



  1. I like the last one and you should put the tree up in the basement this year

    1. you liked the last one because of the purple...and I haven't decided where the tree will go this year :P

  2. Hi Cheryl! Always happy to meet a new Canadian blogger friend! There was no email attached to your comment so I decided to pop by for a visit. I'm in Southern Ontario too!

    1. Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG19 November 2012 at 11:18

      Courtenay - thanks for stopping by - I have been following your blog for awhile - glad you stopped by for a visit!


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