
Saturday, September 14, 2013

What's Blooming...The Late Summer Edition

Well, here we are half way through September already!  I can't believe how fast the weeks go by now...

I haven't posted about the garden in awhile now.  The weather this summer was not the best here, and while we had a lot of things blooming early on, there has not really been anything "NEW" blooming until this week.

It has been crazy weather here - earlier this week, we had record high temperatures for September with two days in the 90's with high humidity.  Today, things are much cooler, with temps only in the 70's and no humidity.  But, I think that couple of days of extra warm temperatures was just what was needed to get a few things blooming!

The Mums have opened this least the yellow and orange ones have
...there are still some burgundy and purple to come.

They really add a fall flavour to the garden!

Some of the Hostas are just blooming now as well.

Next up are the Sedum...the bees just love this flower!

The best in show award this week, however, goes to the Morning Glories who have just started to peak out!
I planted the seeds back in May but the plant is just coming into its own. 
 I am hoping the frost doesn't come too soon and kill it off.

The blooms are such a vibrant blue colour - it's too bad that don't last longer than one day!

Today was the perfect day to be in the garden.

Those who follow on Facebook know that our front yard has won a Trillium Award from the local Horticultural Society.  We were very shocked when we received the letter in the mail last week.  We have no idea who nominated us, but we are very grateful!
We are attending a ceremony this coming Tuesday to accept the award.

I will be sure and post about it next week...and I will show you what the front garden looks like then as well.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful mums Cheryl! Congratulations on your award!!!~~Angela


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