
Thursday, October 03, 2013

Fall Decorating - outdoor edition...

Okay...this week has been crazy around here...trying to get my outdoor decorating done for fall...
and catching up on laundry from McG's hunting trip last weekend.

Until I can get my yard decorated and photo-ed,
I thought I would share a couple of shots of last year's decorations.

I pulled these guys out of storage and put them in much the same spot as last year...

But I added a few new things that I will share next week!

Until then,
Hope you have a great weekend!



  1. Yes! Happy Fall! How was your hubby's hunt week? My hubby just had his leg amputated on Labour Day and is still in hospital - not happy about missing his hunts - will have to live vicariously through other hunters this year! Enjoy your Sunday! Joanne

    1. Joanne - his hunting was sorry to hear about your husband - hope he is doing better!

  2. The children in your neighbourhood must enjoy your display.

    1. Karen - thanks for stopping by - we don't have many "little ones" in the neighbourhood but I do enjoy the decorating!


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