
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Warming up the Living Room...

Well the paint fumes are still lingering, but the hum of the compressor is quiet this morning.  Last night I posted a quick pic on facebook letting you all know that we were well into getting the new baseboards installed in the master bedroom.  I am thrilled that all the trim is finally done in there!!  We are still in the process of completing the closet doors, but that sadly will not be done until the weekend (insert sad face here).  Winter weather has come to town...and the temperatures are now too cold to spray paint the door hardware!!  However, they are predicting warmer temps this weekend, so I will be keeping my fingers crossed that we can get this project completed.

In the meantime, I wanted to show you some new additions in the living room.  While I am still loving the blue-grey colour we painted last fall...lately I have been finding the room a bit flat with all the cool colours and all the dark brown with the furniture and dark flooring.  Here's a reminder of what it looked like BEFORE.

 I knew that the only way to liven up that room was to add some brighter colours!

While I still LOVE the mirrors I bought on clearance at HomeSense ($15/each) I wanted to try and find something brighter, with more colour.  I have been on the lookout since the end of August when my #1 daughter gave me a HomeSense gift card for my birthday.  I can't tell you how hard it has been for me to find ANYTHING to buy with that was so frustrating as I can ALWAYS seem to find something to buy there when I really don't have any money to spend, but that card was giving me shopping paralysis!  I persevered though, popping in there at least once a week to check out the new stock in the hopes of finding something.  I am sure the staff there must have grown accustomed to seeing me there.
This week, though, my perseverance paid off!

Let me introduce you to my new brighter and colourful wall art....drum roll please!!

It's a large metal plaque - all chippy and colourful - and the orange and red accents are just what I was looking for to add some more colour and brightness to the living room.  Here's a closer look!

I added some orange striped pillows that I had downstairs to the couch.  I am not sure if I like the stripes, but they do add some of the orange too.  I will be on the lookout now for some brighter fabric that incorporates those colours, but in the meantime I am really liking this new shot of colour!

I also added some orange and red to some of the other areas in the room as well.  A fall platter I found in a thrift store and some orange sticks in the urn.

I found this little owl pitcher at The Christmas Tree Shop this week while I was shopping in Michigan...I just LOVE him! (and he was a steal at just $2.99!)

Are you decorating with bright colours, like orange and red?  I don't normally, but I was missing the warmth now that our fall decorations are packed away to make way for the Christmas decorations that will be added in the coming weeks.  I will be shopping the house today to see what else I can add to the mix - I LOVE mixing things really does make for a whole new room without spending any money!

Hope your week is going well...please leave me a comment and let me know what touches you are adding to YOUR home this week!


Linking up @


  1. Love it. You should go get another of the EXACT same and hang them both over the sofa, side by side! It would be DELICIOUS!!!!

    1. yes I thought about that, but unfortunately there was only one!

  2. Hi Cheryl.....I like your changes with the pop of color! Very lovely! Hopefully, the weather will cooperate so you can finish painting your doors this weekend. It's always FUN to change and MIX it up.....I won't be decorating much until next year when we move into the cottage....besides I love the Fall and don't decorate Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Have a blessed week~~~~Roxie

    1. Roxie - thanks for stopping over...I really can't wait to see what you do with the cottage!

  3. Love that punch of colour in the livingroom....both the before and after are beautiful!!

    1. Diane...thanks for taking time out of your "fishing trip" to stop by! I am looking forward to seeing what you find!

  4. Wow, that really changed how it all looks. I like that the pillows have some of the same colors. I am trying to hold back getting out the Christmas decorations.

    1. Debby - no Christmas decorations here either just yet...

  5. The touches of colour do liven things up in your living; the striped cushions look very nice on the couch. Like Debbie, in the comment above, I'm waiting until later to pull out my Christmas things.


    1. thanks Karen..I think the orange is just what it needed, but those striped pillows aren't staying...I am having my mother sew me some new covers for those!

  6. Hi Cheryl....very beautiful!! pillows go perfect with the art work

    1. thanks Christine...I have been missing your posts lately...

  7. I love the artwork, the choice was perfect for your decor. I love your color pallet, I have been in love with aqua for several years now and the orange seems to be a perfect compliment to aqua.

  8. Orange and aqua are so nice together, and very current. The pops of color really tie everything together.

    As for me, not much decorating this year, for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I will live vicariously through you and other bloggers :).

    1. thanks Doreen...there will be no Christmas decorating here either for a few more weeks

  9. Wow, what a great piece, Cheryl, and what a difference it makes to the whole area! I love the new look! I especially like how it brings all your colors together. Nice choice! : )


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