
Monday, November 04, 2013

Weekend Recap and a Great Spicy Florentine Dip Recipe!

Hello and Happy Monday!  

McG and I had a great weekend...

Friday night we enjoyed a dinner out and then a trip to Lowes to get some new trim for the bathroom and bedrooms...I know how sad that 27 years of marriage brings excitement over a trip to Lowes!

Saturday we were able to connect with some of our good friends to enjoy a game of Mexican Train Dominoes.  We enjoy their company and it's always a rousing time - as we play girls against the guys.
I am sad to say that the guys beat us this time, but only by the last hand...we also enjoyed some good food.

My contribution was an easy pumpkin cake recipe I found on Pinterest- just a yellow cake mix and a can of was very moist and a great hit! I did add some icing on it - that brought it up a notch.

If you follow us on facebook, you knew that I was making a spicy spinach dip for the get together as well.

It is an easy recipe that is not the usual spinach dip - in fact - its a recipe that I got from another friend several years ago... Florentine Dip.

This is the dip BEFORE it went in the oven....

1 package of cream cheese
1 container of sour cream
2 cups shredded nacho cheese (this is just regular cheddar in the picture because that's all I had on hand)
3 teaspoons horseradish
2 teaspoons chopped jalapeno peppers (I use the ones that are sliced in a jar and just chop them finer)
1 package of chopped frozen spinach that has been thawed and drained well

Start by mixing the cream cheese and sour cream with a electric mixer until smooth - add the horseradish, spinach, jalapenos and 1 cup of the shredded cheese and mix until blended.

Transfer the mixture to a shallow baking dish and then sprinkle the top with remaining shredded cheese.
Bake @ 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

This is always a party favourite when we get together...
so much so that I didn't even get a picture of it when it came out of the oven!!

Sunday brought us outside to work...
This is what the front yard looked like on Thursday morning as the rain started...

By yesterday, almost all the leaves were down - so we spent the afternoon getting them cleaned up.

We really love our trees, but the work they generate in the fall is not so nice!

We had a great fall weekend!

What were you up to this weekend?
Whatever it was, we hope it was great!

Linking up @


  1. I laughed out loud reading the first part of this post Cheryl! The part about Lowes was too funny! I can't remember the name of the movie, but Will Ferrell was in it and he was going to BB&Beyond and then Home Depot with his wife and telling his friends about it. He was trying to act cool, but it wasn't working. You had to be there :/

    Up until a few months ago, I didn't know what Mexican train dominoes was, but a friend introduced us to it and I really enjoyed it. It's addicting!

    That dip looks sinful!

    1. Isn't it the truth night is so romantic when you are spending it at Home Depot or Lowes! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. That dip needs to get in my belly, STAT! Yummm!!!


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