
Sunday, January 05, 2014

Winter Blues...

So those of you that have followed here for a while now, already know that I really don't like winter.

It's an unavoidable fact of life though where we live - here in Ontario.

If you follow us on Facebook - you already have seen the snow we received on New Year's Day... a lovely 8 inches!  This has been the scene outside my front windows this week.

And here's a look out into the backyard.

I've kept the bird feeders full so the birds won't starve now that it's cold and snowy, but the only really regular visitors have been the squirrels.
Those pesky squirrels have even chewed through some of my strings of lights!

We packed away all the Christmas decorations this week as well.

However, I did create a winter vignette on top of the china cabinet - keeping out some of the faux pine branches and my cardinal plate.

I also left out the pine branches and pine cones in the tool box on the dining room table.

Here's a quick look at the living room now that the decorations are packed away.

It's hard to get a good picture with the glare from the snow coming in the front windows!!

We are in the midst of another big storm today - another 6-8 inches of snow!

Here's hoping the weather is better where you are!

Are you finding your home just a little bare now that the Christmas decorations are packed away? 
 If so, I'd love to know what you are doing to decorate for winter!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm liking the pines in the toolbox. Not Christmasy, just a delicate winter touch. Very lovely livingroom. Although I have switched over to my winter colours, I am slowing starting to put together my Valentine décor. So much brighter colour against the winter raging outside my window! Let's hope January goes fairly quickly and we can start to think Spring! :) Happy New Year my friend. Hugs, Diane

  3. I still have a few little poinsettias and a an evergreen centrepiece that is hanging on nicely, other things are tucked away. Unlike you, I like the coziness of a wintry day. It's rather grey outside, but it's a good excuse to read blogs and start a sweater sleeve (my poor neglected knitting). Mind you, these grey days are the reason I started Sunlit Sunday and, for me, it's a bit of a pick-me-up at this time of year. Take care, Cheryl.


  4. I don't mind SNOW but I do NOT like FREEZING temps! And it's coming our way tonight! Brrrrrr......but your living room is so pretty and cozy! Love the blue color! I think we are in for a long winter.....Blessings~~~Roxie

  5. It's been freezing here, too! I love all the pine you've used and your living room curtains are great!!!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  6. very pretty images. I have come to terms with winter. I refuse to be unhappy about the weather so I have come to terms with winter.

  7. I think we are in for a long winter this year. But your house looks cozy inside!

  8. thanks ladies - it seems this winter weather has much of Canada and the U.S. in its cold and snowy grip - I guess all we can do is pray for spring!!

  9. Are you as tired of snow and cold as I am? I am praying for an early spring!


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