
Monday, March 31, 2014

Back Home from Florida...a quick peek at my "souvenirs"!

Hello!  It seems so long since I've actually sat at this computer. 
 McG and I spent a lovely eight days in sunny Florida and just returned home yesterday.

I've spent the better part of today, catching up on emails and skimming through 897 blog posts on Bloglovin'!! 
 Wow some of you have been very busy!!

I'm just popping in between loads of laundry and cooking dinner to share
 some of my "souvenirs" from the trip.

I love to collect shells at the beach, but this trip we didn't make it to the coast...
we stayed in sunny Orlando the whole time.  
We have found a hotel that we like and we are creatures of habit and go back to what we know is good. 
 In case you are wondering, it's The Rosen Inn International
 - very affordably priced and within walking distance to many great restaurants.

We spent our week lounging by the pool and this year we had gorgeous weather.
  We had a couple of cool mornings and we used them to shop! 
 McG loves the Bass Pro store so I make sure to factor in a trip there.

We had some friends meet us up there this time too, so I had a shopping partner for IKEA, Marshall's, Kirklands and Ross's!! 
 I LOVED that McG was kept occupied and didn't follow me around keeping an eye on my spending as he usually does...LOL!

I made a great find at Target - this great 7 x 10 rug for only $99!

I am going to put it in the living room and move the rug that is already there to the dining area.
I will be sure and show you once I've got the room back together!

I also found this great butterfly collage at IKEA.

It's going to be part of a gallery wall that I am planning for in the upstairs hallway.
  Butterflies are the symbol of transplant and
 these have special meaning to me as a stem cell transplant survivor.

This canvas I purchased at Kirkland's. 
 It made it's way into the upstairs main bathroom.

I also bought two of these oval frames for some antique bird drawings
 I purchased last summer in Muskegon Michigan.  

The next two plates I purchased at Marshall's for $3.00 each.
They, too, are going to be part of the gallery wall.

These tin buckets I found at Marshall's on clearance for $5/each.
They are over a foot tall and about ten inches around.  
Not sure where they are going yet, but at that price I wasn't leaving them there.
  They might get put on the patio this summer with candles inside,
 or they might end up on the mantel in the basement family room...
I guess I will let you know when I decide.

These little "souvenirs" have sparked my creative juices and I have plans to do some
sprucing up for spring around here very soon.
We were lucky to arrive home to sun and temperatures in the mid 50's yesterday and today.
I was sad to leave the sunshine and the 80 degree weather behind...
Hopefully the spring weather will be here to stay...
If not I can dream about going back there again next year.
McG has agreed we should stay for two weeks next year!!


P.S. - In case you are wondering how I got all these goodies home with me to Canada...we drive to Florida every year since McG doesn't like to fly!!


  1. Wow, amazing finds. You hit the jackpot and sounds like tons of fun. Hugs, Marty

  2. You've found some great treasures. Love the butterfly collage and bird print!

    1. thanks Diane - I picked up two of those bird drawings in Muskegon last summer for $1/each!! So glad that I finally found frames for them!

  3. oh I have those tin buckets from Marshalls too!!! LOVE THEM....Great finds

  4. It sounds like you had fun making your finds.


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