
Saturday, March 01, 2014

House Lovin'

Last week I took on some deep cleaning in the living and dining room.  You know the kind...where you move all the furniture into the middle of the room and clean behind it...and you clear off all the surfaces and dust and then edit what goes back and where...

We had some company in town last week due to a family wedding.
Nothing like a little motivation to get things going!!
 I LOVE having company and enjoy entertaining in our home.  

I took some pictures once I was finished...'cause you know those rooms just wouldn't be the same once the weekend was over!!  And the sun was shining in so gloriously I couldn't resist!

I thought I'd share today and maybe even start a weekly series that would help motivate me to keep things nice and tidy around here.

I created this new vignette on the dining room table...using a mirror I bought at the local thrift shop for $2.  The accessories I had in other spots in the room before. 
I like to change things up and move things around.
My Christmas Cactus is still blooming!
 (This is really helping to get me through all the winter that still resides outside our windows!)

This next spot became a favourite of mine the last couple of afternoons...
a great spot to read and nap!

Putzing, cleaning and changing things idea of a great day!


Linking up @


  1. What lovely photos of your home and the sunlight shining through. It looks so bright and beautiful and so comfortable. I am your newest follower and found you on my Little Home and Garden.

    1. thanks so much! I tried to reply directly but you are a no-reply blogger

  2. Cheryl, your living room looks wonderful. I love the cozy throws at hand, the touches of green and blue; the sunlight doesn't hurt either! The mirrored tray also looks lovely.

    Swing on over, won't you, and you can spruce up my place. :)


    1. thanks Karen - we've had quite a bit of sun this week, but this morning we woke up to 4 inches of snow!

  3. very tidy the little vignette on the table!!

  4. What a beautiful, bright and relaxing room! I love the pretty floral wall hanging and the accent pillow! A whole lot to love, for sure!


  5. It is lovely seeing the sun shine into your home. Your vignette looks lovely and that is a great way to use a mirror.

    1. Linda - I brought that mirror home and didn't know where to use it. It's been sitting here for a few weeks waiting patiently to find a home...

  6. Your room looks wonderful and the sun really highlighted everything beautifully. I like the colors and accents a lot. I always look forward to seeing my Christmas Cactus blooming. I think mine is 3 yrs. old now. It seems to be a pretty easy plant to care for- no big issues. I hope your entertaining was enjoyable!

  7. Beautiful warm colors!!! It emanates warmth! Nicely done!!! Cathy

  8. Definitely ready to curl up with a great book!
    You've created a lovely setting - EnJoy!!
    HapPy Weekending...

  9. thank you ladies! Glad you stopped by!

  10. Rearranging your spaces sounds like a great way to raise your spirits!

  11. What a great way to spend a day - puttering and changing things up a little gives a new perspective on life. Just the thing as winter drags on. Your home looks cozy and welcoming.

  12. Love the fabric on that pillow! so cheery.

  13. Hi Cheryl, your living room is so bright and cheerful. I like your use of greens and turquoises - two of my favourite colours. Have a great week!

    1. I use those colors in most of the rooms of my home, so that I can change things around

  14. Beautiful! Love the pops of fun color. Jane

  15. It looks lovely. I like your living room very much

  16. What a bright, beautiful, cheery room!!!

  17. Your living room is beautiful! I love blue and brown! Love the mirror on the dining room table!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  18. Wow, I love the colors of your living room! Ok, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! If you'd like to participate, the rules and questions are over on my blog at I can't wait to read all about you!

    1. thank you for the nomination, I will contact you on your blog!

  19. So pretty. Love the colors that you used. I love the wall color.

    1. thanks Debby - the color is called Canadian Sky - its a CIL paint

  20. the mirror makes for a great vignette anchor! And the pillows on the couch are so inviting! I bet you love to sit and read right there....
    xx Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  21. Beautiful and cozy! Thanks for linking up.

  22. i think we have the same couch, and i love how bright and colorful your space is!

  23. I think we all should invite people over at least twice a month to keep us on our toes. ;)

    Your living room has some of my favorite colors, and it looks so cozy and bright!

  24. Such a beautiful room, I love your colors and the way you have it accessorized. It is so pretty. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  25. we have people over for dinner once a week...and plenty in house guest. Definitely makes me want to keep the house semi-normal at all times

  26. Everything is beautiful here Cheryl! I love the blue curtain, it feels like summer already. I smell the cozy room. Classy!

    Sebastian Chuter


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