
Tuesday, April 08, 2014

You can un-cross your fingers now...

Ok - well it seems that I jumped the gun when I decided to spill the beans about our house hunting escapades, and possibly jinxed myself.

We heard this morning that the house we FINALLY agreed on has been SOLD...(key the sad face and violin music!!)

I can't tell you how disappointed I am.  We have been scoping out houses for over a year now and haven't found anything yet that we could agree on.

Our wish list doesn't seem too difficult, in our minds, but finding houses to fit the criteria is getting a bit frustrating.  The hardest thing to find on our wish list is a one floor ranch with NO BASEMENT!

The few that we have found have needed too much work (AKA - they were c-r-a-p!!) and definitely not worth the money that the people were asking.  We have even expanded our search locations and that helped us find THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY.

I am frustrated to tears today - and I think I'm throwing in the towel.  
Thanks for letting me vent!



  1. Oh I am so sorry it all fell thru. I know the perfect one is out there somewhere, it will turn up. Hugs, Marty


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