
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

40 bags in 40 days

Has anyone else heard about 40 Bags in 40 Days?

It's a great challenge that I stumbled upon over @ White House Black Shutters!  It originally started out as a challenge to de-crapify your home by Ann-Marie and it ran from March 5th to April 19th as part of Lent.

I was late to the game, but thought that it would be a great way to challenge myself while packing for our move to a smaller home later this summer. 

I have been MIA for a few weeks now, but that was to take care of my home to get it sold.  Now that it has sold (and in record time I might add!!)  I need to clear out CRAP because this "new to us" home is about
1000 square feet smaller than our current home.

The first purge took place while I staged our home for sale and we have had one epic yard sale already.

I have challenged myself to clean out at least one drawer or closet or bookshelf everyday and get rid of what we truly don't need.  If I can do this, I should be well prepared and have only what we need to move to the new house!!

This pile of stuff is set for the next yard sale that should be in the next week or two.

On top of all this I have already brought 6 garbage bags full of clothing and shoes to the local thrift store.  And all that didn't sell in the first yard sale went there as well.

We've cleaned out the attic of the garage, the shed, and under the stairs.  Still to go are a second purge of the closets, and the laundry room storage.  McG needs to go through all his stuff in the garage as well.

It amazes me how much stuff we actually have that is just stored away, in case we might need it. 
 Well - NO MORE!!  

If you need inspiration or can't figure out where to start, Ann-Marie provides you with a printable that can help.  REMEMBER - the key is to get started!!

Did you participate in the challenge this year??? 
 I'd love to hear about your success in clearing our your stuff!!


  1. Awesome! Welcome. It's a lot of hard work but the feeling of peace that comes with getting rid of each bag couldn't be more rewarding.

  2. It is very freeing to let go so much stuff...

  3. I'm impressed, Cheryl! You're really taking charge of things and it will be great not to move all the unwanted stuff.


  4. Hi Karen - I live in Windsor and am wondering where you are in Lasalle - I would LOVE to come to your next garage/yard sale! Elizabeth Felet

    1. I tried to answer your comment but you are a no-reply commentor - I will post in our facebook page when the date has been decided on!


  5. I did this during Lent and I LOVED it! I hope to do it every year. It's really changed the way I purchase and bring things into my home. I'm a minimalist by nature but my kids and hubby are not LOL!


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