
Monday, July 21, 2014

Selling Unwanted Items Through Social Media


The purge is over...
I have filled more than my 40 bags in less than 40 days and we've had two yard sales in the last month.
We, in fact, sent a whole van full of stuff to our local Value Village this weekend.

I'm questioning if yard sales are the way to go anymore. 

This little table didn't sell at the yard sale this weekend...

I had it priced at $10.00 - a more than fair price I thought. 
 I had someone offer me $2.00 but I turned them down.

First of all, it's an antique, and while I know it doesn't have it original finish and you can find them just about anywhere, I did put my time and money into painting it. 
 I felt that $10.00 was more than fair and I didn't let it go.
  McG said I should have sold it for $2.00.  

I posted it this morning on a local Buy/Sell Facebook page. 
 It was sold within one minute of posting for my $10.00 price tag.

I kept some of the bigger items that didn't sell at the yard sale and I've now posted them on that site as well. I've made more than $50.00 this morning on items that would otherwise just went to the local Value Village.
And I'm thinking that $50.00 in my pocket is better than donating, especially since we are a single income family and every dollar counts!

What I'd like to know is...

Are you using social media to sell items that are no longer needed/used in your home??

Am I just late to this trend or is this something that is just taking off??

1 comment:

  1. I'm the wrong one to ask about selling because I've never had a yard sale. I put a couple of things by the curb this evening and I'll see what disappears. For example, a cheap pine Ikea coffee table from over 20 years ago isn't needed by me, but maybe someone else can use it!



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