
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Changes to the Bathroom - Part One

We had our home built in 1996 and at that time we had chosen to have stained trim and doors...
and it looked great with our oak kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

Fast forward to 2013 and those orangey trim and cabinets are really out of style. 
 Last fall we painted all the trim and doors in the public spaces of the main floor of our home.
Now it's time to take that white paint to the trim and doors in the more private spaces,
 like the bathroom and bedrooms.

Here's a shot of our main bathroom with the oak cabinets and stained trim.
You can see in the hallway we had already changed the trim to white.

 Last time I sanded and then painted four - yes four - coats of paint to cover the orangey stain 
(while McG was away hunting...he had no idea that was a project we were going to tackle)
This time I talked McG into purchasing some primer...He was skeptical because in his mind, 
the proper way to do it was to sand it first - BOY he can be hard headed sometimes!

I did some research (aka other bloggers!) and found that this primer was well liked as one that could eliminate the sanding step. 
 Although he was still unsure, McG agreed to try it - and guess what...
He Loved It!

It went on smooth and covered that orange stain with one coat.

Doors that used to look like this in our hallway...

and don't you just LOVE those brass door knobs!

Finished up they now look like this...

We even used some paint to change out the door knobs and hinges as well.

So there is a peek at what we've been up to this week.
I haven't quite talked him into painting the oak cabinets 
but I did get him to paint the cheap laminate storage cabinet we have in there.

I am working on getting the bathroom back together - I will be sure and show you that cabinet next week!

This was NOT a sponsored post, but I would definitely recommend both the primer and the spray paint!

Linking up @:
The Blissful Bee


  1. It looks great and all freshened up!! Can't wait to see it when you paint the cabinets. I love the tile in the bathroom!

    1. thanks Lynn - I am loving how much brighter the bathroom is with just the trim and doors painted - can't wait to paint the cabinets! The tile was done way before our blogging days..

  2. Few things have as much impact as white paint over plain wood and this project is no exception. You're going to love it to death when the cabinets are done too!

    1. I agree Doreen - I am loving the new white doors and to just convince McG to paint the cabinets!!

  3. Looks great! I would love white trim. Thanks for stopping by my Diana Rambles blog and leaving such a nice comment regarding my father. I hope you are doing well!

  4. I love painted white trim - makes a world of difference!


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