
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Front Yard Tour 2013

The chilly fall weather is here this morning in Ontario.
We enjoyed a lovely three-day weekend to celebrate our Thanksgiving.
Since October is now officially half over, I thought I would share my fall/Halloween outdoor decor.

It's not scary by any means, but what I feel is just the right mix of fall and Halloween decorating for our family.

We've had these wooden characters for sometime now...I love to include them every year.

This pumpkin planter is one of my favourites...just a pail screwed to a 4x4 post and then painted.
It wouldn't be hard to do, although I purchased it like this a few years back at a craft fair.
As you can see my summer flowers are still going strong!

 See, I just noticed the plastic price tag hook is still attached...
We are keeping it real here today folks!!

This scarecrow I've had for a number of years too...he really needs a new shirt.

This ghost McG made for me and drilled holes along the outline so that I could put a string of lights in him.

That concludes the front yard tour...
I'm glad you stopped over - I hope you get out and enjoy this lovely autumn day!!


  1. Perfect blend of Halloween and fall. Love the Jack-O-Lantern pail/planter!

  2. Love your decor, great ghosts are fabulous!

  3. thanks Diane and Margaret - I am quite enjoying the look of the yard this year

  4. You've done such a cute job on your yard, Cheryl.

  5. Everything looks great! My boys love your ghost with the lights. Thanx for partying at THT!

    1. they were very easy to make...I'm sure you could whip some up for them!

  6. Love that planter, and I am jealous that your flowers are still alive!

    1. Nicki - they are just about finished now that we've had some cold nights

  7. so cute, love that bucket with the jol face!!


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