
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Slowing Down

As I reflect on our "blog-a-versary" this week,
 I can say that this past year has definitely taught me a few things.

We sure did get a lot accomplished here in the last year,
 even though it sometimes feels that we are at a stand-still as far as updating the house goes...

My photography skills need to be worked on, 
but I guess its not so bad considering I don't have one of those fancy cameras
 and all my shots are taken with my Canon PowerShot A2300.
 Living life with my camera with me, almost always makes me slow down,
in the hopes of getting a good shot.
I may have to take thousands of pictures, just to get one good one.
  And that might take me a little longer to get a post done, 
but almost always,
 it makes me slow down and enjoy my surroundings a little more...
Even if that means driving three hours in a car, for a Dr's. appointment.

Here's hoping you take time this weekend,
to slow down,
and enjoy your surroundings.

We are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada.

What I'm thankful for this year...

My loving family and friends,
my health (which not so long ago was not so good)
and all of YOU
who follow here!


(These photos were taken from the van as we drove down Highway 401 in Ontario 
and don't worry,I wasn't driving when I took these)

Linking up @:

The Tablescaper


  1. I'm glad your health has improved, Cheryl. That is truly something to be grateful for everyday. Happy Thanksgiving to you!


    1. thanks Karen - I hope your Thanksgiving is good as well!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more, life goes by fast enough and sometimes you feel you have to go just as fast to keep up. I am very much slowing down these days and loving it! Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend. Diane

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Cheryl! It's true...blogging does help us to slow down, doesn't it?

    I think your pics are lovely :)

    Thank you for joining our blog hop today. So happy to meet you and look forward to seeing more of your blog!

  4. Beautiful photos.

    You're always welcome at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Having a camera close does, indeed, make you slow down and pay attention to what is around you.


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