About the Liebster Award:
The Liebster Award's origins are pretty much a mystery. Bloggers nominate other bloggers that have 200 or less followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite,” so this is kind of like the “favorite blog award.” It's basically a "Hey, that's a sweet little blog you've got there. Here's an award!" You can't just accept the award. You have to play by the (ever changing) rules and pay it forward. Then you can put the award on your blog for all to see.
The Rules:
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
These are the 11 facts about me!
1. I am a 47 year old mother of 2 (a daughter 22 and a son 18)
2. McG and I have been married 26 years
3. I am a Stem Cell transplant/Leukemia survivor - almost 2 years since my transplant
4. not only do I love decorating and home decor, I also am an avid gardener
5. I love all animals, but my baby is our cat Sloan
6. since we live so close to the Canadian/US border - I love to cross-border shop
7. I am an avid garage-saler making regular weekend outings during the spring and summer
8. I am not a first-time blogger, but my first blog was www.caringbridge.org/visit/cherylthornton
9. I can knit - nothing complicated, but I can do it!
10. I re-arrange my furniture at least once a month
11. If I could live anywhere, it would be at the beach!
These are the 11 questions that Sarah sent for me to answer:
1. What is your favourite TV show? - Big Bang Theory and The Voice
2. What do you do for fun? - shop/decorate
3. Favourite thing to cook? - homemade Macaroni and Cheese
4. Favourite colour? - Green
5. Coke or Pepsi? - definitely Coke
6. What's your favourite holiday? - Christmas
7. Where's your favourite vacation spot? - Florida
8. What celebrity would you love to meet? - Elton John
9. What retail store would you like to work at? - Home Sense
10. What is your favourite movie? - Pretty in Pink
11. What is your favourite food? - Pizza
Now I am supposed to compose 11 questions to send to 11 new nominees..
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. What influenced you to decide to become a blogger?
3..Dogs or Cats?
4. What is your favourite season?
5. Do you have any hobbies, besides blogging?
6. What city do you blog from?
7. What is your favourite holiday?
8. What is the title of the last book you read?
9. Tell me something that makes you smile?
10. Is your Christmas tree real or artificial?
11. Do you prefer Mayo or Miracle Whip?
I read a large number of blogs everyday, however, most of them already have more than 200 followers...so my list of nominees is NOT going to be 11 as required...but to be true to myself and my readers, I didn't think I should add blogs that I do not follow...
These are the blogs that I have chosen - I follow all of these wonderful blogs and would highly recommend them to you!
Foxxy @ Summer House Cottage
Lynn @ Up Country Olio
Wanda @ Recreate and Decorate
Chelsey @ my beauty full adventure
Judy @ 20 North Ora
Patty @ Pattys Heart and Home
I really would love to have to check out each of these blogs - they are beautifully written and full of great ideas - AND PLEASE, leave a comment and tell them I sent you!
Cheryl, Thank you so much for the nomination. You are so sweet, thanks for all the beautiful comments. I have visited your blog in the past and have enjoyed it very much. I am so happy you enjoy mine too. I would like very much to accept your nomination. I will try to figure out what exactly I am supposed to do and hopefully do it. Honestly all the technical stuff about blogging has me stumped. I struggle a lot I'm embarrassed to say. Thanks for thinking of me. I'll do the best I can! Love Patty
ReplyDeletePatty - I thought the same thing when I was nominated...it takes some work, but you'll do fine! Looking forward to see what you have coming up next on your blog!