Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunlit Sunday

I love to visit Sunlit Sundays over @ My Little Home and Garden - it brings a smile to my face seeing the sun in each and every submission that joins there...especially when we've had a week like this here in Ontario

There were many grey days here this week and even some more snow!!!  But this morning was a little different...the snow is still here, but somehow it doesn't seem as bad when the view out of the patio door is full of sunshine!

It looks like we may have had a visitor on our deck as well...Hmm - could that have been why Sloan was singing last night!!  I love the shadows it makes from our patio table.  But what I like best of all...

...Are the shadows it makes in the kitchen and how it warms the tile under my feet!

Hope your day is filled with sunshine!


Linking up @


  1. Oh, yes. The promise of a sun filled day! Love the prints in the snow. Happy Sunlit Sunday!

  2. I hope the sun shines hard and melts all that snow in a hurry! Love the sunshine and those prints in the snow. Happy Sunlit Sunday!

  3. Good Morning, Cheryl

    Isn't it funny how a bit of sunshine just lends a little optimism to a snowy day! The shadows on your deck are pretty and I can relate to how nice it is to have sunlight streaming in through the windows and doors.

    I'm glad you've been enjoying "Sunlit Sunday"!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.


  4. Sun-warmed tiles underfoot - what a lovely Sunday feeling!

  5. Thanks for visiting ladies! I will be enjoying the sun today because we are expecting more snow early next week - as in possibly tomorrow!!!

  6. Your views look very similar to mine and how lovely to see the sun shining out in full force today. Hopefully the storm they are predicting isn't as bad as they say.

  7. We had little visitor tracks like that but now our snow has finally melted.

  8. Ooh I wonder what those footsteps were? The sun radiating off the floor sounds great. Mine is so early that I don't benefit that way where my tile is. We had a similar week of ups and downs weather and sunlight wise! Today is exceptionally beautiful and I'm so glad to see it!

  9. Oh this warms my heart. However pretty it all looks it is rough to see all those signs of spring when I am expecting snow tomorrow. At least now I know I am not alone. I don't have any on the ground now though as you do.


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